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Our research team also works closely with Concordia Prof. Andrew Ryder and his group in the Culture, Health & Personality Lab.

Norman Segalowitz

Lab Director

+1 514-848-2424 ext. 2239

Talha Aziz

Yue Zhao

Marina Doucerain

Yeji Han


Al Qadri

Catherine Bergeron

Norman Segalowitz, Professor, Psychology, Concordia University.

Also: Adjunct Professor, School of Psychology and Counseling, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.  norman.segalowitz (at)


  • B.Sc., McGill University (1968); D.Phil., Oxford University (1972)

  • 1966-67 at Moscow State University under the mentorship of Prof. A. R. Luria

  • 1973  joined the Department of Psychology at Concordia University in Montreal

  • 1977-80 and 1990-93 served as Chair, Department of Psychology

  • Research focus: cognitive, linguistic, and social processes underlying adult acquisition of second language skills. Special interest in the barriers adults often face when learning second languages.

  • Has published extensively in many of the leading journals and handbooks in the field

  • His book Cognitive Bases of Second Language Fluency (2010, Routledge) won the Modern Language Association of America's Kenneth W. Mildenberger Prize (2012).

  • Is a founding member of the interuniversity/interdisciplinary research group HCALM-Network which studies barriers in health care access for linguistic minorities.

  • Current main research focus: L2 acquisition & instruction, the role of language in acculturation, and language barriers in access to healthcare services.

Cristina Catania

Laura Khalil

Michael Wilgus

Monyka Rodrigues

Katsiaryna Aheyeva

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